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- Dial-Up Accounts
- Ultima Networks makes it easy for you to get online. Each of our dial-up accounts includes access to the world wide web, email, newsgroups, and much, much more. All 2300+ of our dial-up locations support the 56k (v.90) standard.
- Personal Account (PPP Access)
- $20/month
- one dial-up account w/unmetered Internet Access
- 1 email box *1
- 10 megabytes of storage space
- *1 $2.50/month for each additional mailbox
- Our personal account includes unmetered connect time, 1 email mailbox (POP account), and 10 megabytes of storage (for personal web page).
- Economy Account (PPP Access)
- $15/month
- one dial-up account w/50 hours/month Internet Access
- 1 email box *1
- *1 $2.50/month for each additional mailbox
- Our economy account includes 50 hours connect time per month and 1 email mailbox (POP account).